火曜日, 6月 05, 2012


It's perfectly horrid how some babies are denied the chance to live -- just because they happen to be girls. Let me ask this question: What is wrong with not being a boy? Doesn't everyone have a right to life? Isn't it something given by God?

Although I am of Chinese descent, I hate my race dreadfully at times. In the past, baby girls born in China were smothered and then buried unceremoniously, just because they were girls. All the people who killed those babies mercilessly are experiencing the searing heat of hell-fire now, I suppose. It's their fault anyway.

Even Singapore does tend to ignore women's rights at times. The injustice sickens me. How many women actually hold leadership positions in society in Singapore? I know that M.C.Ps abound in Singapore, and one day they will all die terrible deaths.

M.C.P = Male Chauvinistic Pig. All will go to hell and experience hell-fire.

Expect nothing from M.C.Ps. They're all narrow-minded and shallow-minded fools.

Feminism isn't saying that women are superior: it's just condemning the discrimination that women and girls face. Feminism advocates equality in ALL areas. That reminds me, giving boys and girls the same opportunities is NOT enough.

That's why I strive unusually hard to achieve the best results: I want everyone at school to know that girls are great at studying as well...

I'm thankful to be living in Singapore, though. In other countries girls are denied an education. Some societies are just so warped...and the girls are often unable to voice their discontent or opinions. All the fault of the men. May they all suffer in ____.

A girl's place is not at home; she belongs outside just like everyone else. I don't care what people say, I loathe that damned confucious. Almost all his sayings, I feel, are nonsense and crap. All that about women at home and not taking charge.

I can safely say that he is burning in hell-fire now. I've never hated a historical figure so much. M.C.P alert!!

Already, though, the wind of change is blowing. Women and girls are striking back with full force. One day, I believe, this rotten world will change.

Hopefully, one day, women and girls in the world will be empowered and stand proud, knowing that they are men's equals.

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